Фото 1 The Elfschool Tour

The Elfschool Tour in Reykjavík, Iceland

1 час

This tour is right for you if you are interested in magic and want to understand the long and storied history of elves, trolls, and fairies in Iceland!


  • Stories about Elves, trolls, and fairies


  • A local guide

  • Coffee

  • Tea

  • Study books

  • Bread

  • Pancakes

Please note: this experience is held on Fridays.

The Icelandic Elf School, founded by the headmaster (and elf specialist) Magnus Skarphedinsson, is committed to chronicling elf encounters nationwide, with over 1,400 reports. Skarphedinsson has spent 34 years researching elves and their effect on Icelandic society. "I collect tales about paranormal events, ghosts, and spirits, and although I've never seen them myself, I'm confident that elves and hidden people, or huldufólk, exist," Skarphedinsson told Metro.

Elves, often known as "hidden people," vary in height and kind, with the Elf School documenting over 15 distinct sorts, according to Metro. Skarphedinsson has interviewed over 900 Icelanders and over 500 people from other countries who claim to have had encounters with elves, and people come from all over the world to attend classes at the Elf School, which holds classes on Fridays that explore the world of elves, including both contemporary and folk tales about them.

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На GetExperience c 2022
Отзывы покупателей
Aurelia L
July 2023
Путешественник GetExperience
April 2023
Путешественник GetExperience
September 2022
Carson O
July 2022
Thumbs up, seriously!

Место встречи

Reykjavík, Iceland